
A Warm Welcome to my Blog

Sunday 22 April 2018

Biggles and the Big Bristol

“What ho chaps, I’m looking for a couple of volunteer to test drive this new crate we’ve just been sent, and at the same time to get some photos of the big guns the Boshe have located over to the west of Nieuville”. “It’s only about 20 miles over their side of the lines, it’ll be a doddle chaps”. That’s the Skipper, a jolly lively chap, a bit too lively at times.

“Pilot Officer Vagabond you look a likely volunteer, when were you last up on patrol”. “Dawn sir” I responded rather glumly, I don’t do mornings well and it was still only 09:00 hours. “Come on look lively, go find your gunner chappie, the days not getting any younger”. I muttered “breakfast sir, is it possible to have my breakfast before we go”. “No time young man, your country needs you, get them to put some bacon between a couple of bits of bread, you can eat it on the way”.

“Don’t suppose you’ve even seen the new Bristol F2.B” he guffawed, “dashed good plane they tell me, it will win the war and we can all go home for Christmas, but first we need you to get these photo’s. Off you go and let me know how you get on with the bally crate, especially fuel consumption. For some reasons the boffins haven’t sent me many flying characteristics yet. Make sure you take a dip stick with you. Pip pip”, and he left.

My giddy Aunt Gemmima what’s he got me into now.

I went looking for the dip stick, that’s Jack my gunner by the way, we’ve been together for ever, well it must be 2 weeks but it seems like forever. He has this nasty habit of referring to me as the taxi driver. He tells all the girls I’m the driver and he’s the brains doing all the work, mainly recce photography but we have been given bombs to drop as well. I don’t like that so much because generally if our Brass wants us to blow something up, the Huns don’t want us to and they can get very nasty about it.

I explain the situation to him and he’s not as upset about it as I am, two reasons really, firstly he thinks I can fly and all planes are the same to the man who uses it as a platform to take photographs, but more importantly he’s had his breakfast.

Well we got off the ground, a bit too quickly for my liking this lump of canvas and wood is rather faster than what I’m used to, but she’s a nice looking plane and responds well to the controls, fast is good right - get to Nieuville and back in time for lunch. Climbs a lot faster than our current crate, which is more of a canvas coffin if you ask me - but no one does.

We arrived over Nieuville and could see the netting covering the big guns to the north and south of the town, but there was a slight problem. A pair of Albatros DIII from the look of them but it could be the DV, let it be DIII’s I pray, they are not so fast and with my new found speedy steed we might be able to out run them, but first the photographs, we’ve not come all this way for nothing and the skipper won’t like it if we go home empty handed.

Sorry the game photo’s are on a plain board, but I’m so envious of the printed mats that I wanted to try and emulate them, not very well but it’s the thought that counts. These bad boys below landed this morning along with the Bristol so first time out. Mind you it’s only my 4th sortie, I’m flying them using Richard Bradley’s AI system, and am a bit concerned because it’s better than I am.

I’m not used to having a gun firing forward, Jack’s the one who gets all the fun and so our usual tactic would be to try and get him in a position to shoot, that’s a bit theoretical because he’s not a good shot and usually we have a fighter escort that are there to protect us. However they weren’t at the rendezvous today and in view of the cryptic comment about fuel consumption we decided not to hang about. Looks like that might have been a mistake.

Well they came at us in the same old way and I expect they thought we would run in the same old way, but I now have a gun and went straight at them, they weren’t expecting that.

The Red plane turned to starboard S and then to port P and then jinked a bit to S and they closed the gap between them very neatly.

This Richard Bradley knows his stuff.

Here we go, “Tally Ho” I shouted as I flew straight at them.

There is some nonsense in the Mess about never flinching from a head on attack, anyone in their right mind knows this is bound to lead to a collision, but the received wisdom is the Hun will always loose his nerve first.

I believe that we don’t duck left or right because we think they will go the same way and we’ll have a collision, it’s much safer to stay on a straight course and then they know what we are going to do and avoid us.

Oh no the Red plane doesn’t know this.

But at the last minute Red dived under my wing and missed by a hairs breath. We were in spitting distance but of course we are gentlemen – the Knights of the Air. If we’d been those oiks in the trenches we probably would have spat, and thrown stones for good measure.

Too damn close to shoot though.

We all broke to port P and Jack got to fire the twin Lewis guns at Green. He was going to fire at Red but I had yelled over my shoulder don’t shoot the bloody tail off – AGAIN. He doesn’t like me to refer to that incident.

Smoke started to pour out of Greens engine, I’ve hit him, I’ve hit him Jack was shouting. There’s a first time for everything I thought and now was a good time to start shooting straight.

We continued to circle, they were keeping a tight formation, and the smoke stopped. Humm not so good.

About this time I realised they were circling in a tighter circle than us and that Red plane was going to have us in his sights soon.

And that’s when they made their big mistake, they both straightened up but I continued my turn to port. Green is in range and I open fire, it’s glorious having a gun, de, de, de, de it went and I missed. Bugger I’m never going to hear the end of this.

I’m still turning to port and so are the Hun, I fire another blast at Green and miss again, Jack’s never going to let me forget this, but I feel the crate shake as Jack lets rip, but a quick glance over my shoulder and I see he’s missed. Well that’s good and bad - good that it’s not just me missing, but it’s bad that we aren’t dishing out the damage when we have the chance.

We are all still circling to port, I just miss the tail of the Green Albatros and it is a DIII, that’s a bit of a relief but I am going to bring stones next time, they might be more effective than this damn gun. We’re certainly getting close enough to use them…..

 Red continues a long turn to port, and is out of the action for a while.

I continue to turn to port but the idiot in the Green plane swings to Starboard, what the hell is he doing – he’s going to get us all killed if he carries on like this. I pull back on the stick and just scrape over the top of him.

It’s OK to take avoiding action now because this wasn’t head to head, and I’ve ceased caring I just want my lunch.

This is known as a Bristol sandwich on Albatros. One out of range and one out of angle. The Red plane and I continue with our circle of death to port, but I think I’ve got him next phase.

Wrong he is turning tighter than I am and we are both shooting lumps off each other. Of course his lumps are bigger than mine and we take 4 damage and he takes none.

I swing to starboard giving Jack a clear shot at point blank range. He hits doing 4 points of damage, get him Jack I yell, but he can’t hear me above the sound of the twin Lewis guns, and that’s when Red made his big mistake. I swung back to port and he did an Immelmann turn, right in front of Jack.

Of course it wasn’t looking so good for us either, I’d been concentrating so much on Red that I’d given the Green Albatros the opportunity to come straight at us. Jack put a long burst into the Red plane, bits were flying off it, he was causing a lot of damage and.

There was a loud explosion and the Red plane blew up in mid air, it shook me I can tell you, one minute he is there fighting like a good un and then he’s gone.

It must have shook Green because he fired and the bullets went wide causing no damage.

I’m still swinging to port, it’s like being on one of those fairground rides, round and round, but Jack gets another clear shot but his guns are quiet. Looking back I can see him hitting the damn things with his gloved hands, come on lad that’s not the way to do it.

I need to create a bit of space to give him time to get up and running again, so fly straight away from the Hun, a bit of a turn and then straight’ I’m lining up to do an Immelmann of my own, wonder if this machine will take the stress, should do. We’ll soon find out.

We come flying back straight at the Green Albatros, he turns.

But not fast enough and I’m on him, the shots are slightly off and I’m hitting his tail, causing 1 damage and jamming the tail so he can’t turn to starboard, but he’s going to port, so am I.

This gives Jack another clear shot but his deflection shooting is off and he also hits around the tail, he’s caused 2 damage but also jammed the rudder from turning to port. Bloody good shooting Jack.

I swing round and give chase, the Albatros is diving to get as much speed as possible he can’t turn to port or starboard and we’re gaining. We get too low, ground fire is putting holes in the plane and I pull up and let him go. No one chases a wounded fox, where’s the sport in that.

He made it off the board.

The stick felt a bit loose when we landed, quite a few wires were damaged holes all over but nothing too bad, Jack jumped down whooping with joy, relief, who knows, we had our first kill. The Skipper seemed quite buoyed up about it, said maybe we could keep the bus but his face fell when he asked after the recognisance photographs and we dragged the camera out of the plane. It had a neat bullet hole just behind the lens and had been useless.

Better luck next time.


  1. Chocks away, Jolly good showing old been what gave Jerry a right old bit of whats for I'd say, great stuff John really enjoyed it but you might want to let the props team know that the White Cliffs of Dover are well white ;)

    1. Hi Frank Yes sorry about the white cliffs but I thought Mrs V would probably not understand the nicety of it.
      The conversation would be something like
      Mrs V "you've painted the living room wall white, I don't remember us discussing that"
      Me "well I wanted to impress Frank with my white cliffs of Dover"
      Mrs V "Well see how he likes Blood red walls"
      Me "ARGHH"

      My wargame table is still set up to play the western game I introduced 2 weeks ago, I put my back out and can hobble but can't sit still for more than an hour, and for the 1st week could only lie down to alleviate the pain, a big Ahhh here would be nice.
      So the game is still waiting to be played but Wings of War is fairly quick and I was desperate to use my little planes and so used the dining table to play this quick game, yesterday I posted this AAR on the WoW forum and decided I would inflict it on you as well. Sorry.

    2. Sorry to hear you done your back in mate & I know how demanding the public can be but you take it easy mate, I've a movie staring Chip Spud & Tasha Stripvo that should be released in the next couple of day that you can put your feet up & watch :)
      Take care.

    3. I'm looking forward to Tasha but not too sure about Chip.

  2. Spiffing stuff old chap, but a damned shame about the camera taking a round eh what?

    Nice write up John and I'm taken with the 'forced perspective' terrain idea you set up in the first photo. I've got quite a bit of 2mm terrain from Irregular Miniatures and I'd like to see what that looks like ;-)
    I take it the Richard Bradley system works a treat??

    1. Hi Greg, the terrain is from my 'Modern' armoured stuff from the 80's, it's not been out of the box in maybe 25 years, so looks quite basic but the best I could do.
      The camera idea is lifted from a Biggles story I read as a kid, I still have the books and am thinking about re-reading them, just need to find the time.

      Richard Bradley is Herkeybird in the Bloggosphere, he writes a lot of rules on the Tyneside Club site for free, I have a lot of them saved just never got round to reading most of them.
      I must and shall thank him for these because they worked incredibly well. I've had 2 games with Mrs V and 2 solo with these and I'm so impressed with the system, it is so simple and works. It is not so accurate in my opinion but that doesn't matter because it plays so well. It's more of a board game style thing, I don't know if it's something that will hold my attention in the longer term and the planes are bloody expensive on my budget but I've always been a sucker for WW1 planes.
      At the moment they are all on the mantleshelf on display, although the dusting fairy has commented on this, and not in a complimentary way, but the bad back is giving me a bit of sympathy and leeway at the moment. ;)

    2. The terrain mats do look very good, but I REALLY like your idea of actual 3D terrain as the 'backdrop'. Not only do I think it looks better, but it would give a lot more variety to the board and, as you did with the 'big guns', allow for mission targets to be a feature - I reckon it'd be a cheaper option as well after looking at the price of mats ;-)
      Thanks for all the info, and I hope the back continues to improve :-)

    3. Yes the mats are quite expensive but the deep cut studios one does look superb and is only 4 or 5 planes in cost, about the equivalent to seeing a chiropractor today :(

    4. I had to read that twice 8-)
      How did it go with the "bone setter"? If you're still struggling, from personal experience I'd seriously advise you to try acupuncture. I went to one the last time I could hardly move, purely to keep Mrs G quiet, not expecting it to make a jot of difference - I was truly amazed and (touch wood) haven't had it so bad since.

      Oh, and I see signs of a new addiction here if your financial calculations are now done in "planes" ;-)
      As far as mats are concerned, I've realised that 3D terrain is no good because you need a flat surface for the plane's bases :-(

    5. I'm not sure yet, some improvement but back again Wednesday but it's only 2.5 planes this time.
      In total that will be 50 reasonably priced 28mm figures, it doesn't bear thinking about. :(

    6. Yikes! You'd only get small change from a 6mm army at that price!
      Joking apart, I hope you get sorted and up and about again asap - we've decided to head for home after Dawlish before going on to Liverpool, so I'll be checking up on you on Wednesday night to see how you are.

    7. Cheers, not too bad this morning so fingers crossed and I played a few turns of the western game, the silence has just been broken by the sound of gunfire, so no change there ;)

      Dawlish - Liverpool you do get about. There's a good Navel Museum in the Liverpool docks which also there is an exhibition on at the moment with some of the Chinese Terracotta Army, about 6 or 8 figures I believe, can't remember where but it's near to the gallery that has the painting "Have you seen your father" we were talking about a couple of weeks ago.
      Mrs V and I were planning to go there before I buggered my back. Can't remember how long the terracotta figures are on display for but if you have some spare time it might be a worthwhile side trip.

  3. I saw it was about Wings of War and I said: OK, I can skip this AAR. Then by chance I read something about your missing breakfast and finally I got hooked about the story.

    Great narrative and report, as always!!

    P.S. I hope you finally got your well-earned breakfast!!

    1. Chema thanks for commenting and I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

      The planes are very pretty but the game is certainly not that visual, and the movement torturous in the extreme so it's never going to be a riveting game report, so I wanted to try my Biggles approach, if nothing else it is as good as Pirates for daft language. You only have to look at the comments from the two reprobates above. :)

  4. Now I've a pair of lovely big bristols. Ooh er, missus! Never got 'em out for the lads, though. Still time for that, however. I'll stop now, before I mention the action will be over FRENCH soil and I'll probably write about it in a LETTER home to papa. It might even make the Wipers Times!

    [and apologies for lowering the tone of your excellent blog report]

    1. Roy I thought my post title might attract a bawdy element, but I didn't think it would be you, however as you made me smile you can carry on.

    2. I should have pointed out that my Bristols are definitely Australian. All my other kites are RNAS, but the two Bristols (the same ones as yours) are going to be definitely belonging to the Australian Flying Corps for a bit of variety and pommy-bashing. Ooh, just realised I could model one of the crew on one of my Tasmanian ancestors - so that's one good thing to come out of Transportation.

    3. A 'Tasmanian distant relative', is the correct label I was looking for. I think the ancestor would be tad too old to be involved in WW1, so it'll have to be his issue or of his bloodline.

    4. Well I'm glad we cleared that up :) ;)

  5. I love WoW, but rarely get to play it, though this action brought back a lot of good memories. I started playing WW! air games with old Airfix and Revell models on a carpet with home-grown rules and have a love for this type of games for many, many, years.
    I did wonder about the 'white cliffs', but hte ground terain more than made up fo rthis.

    1. I used to play with phoenix air combat rules and 1:300th planes on 2' dowels, still have them but I was seduced your honour by these lovely planes and very simple and workable rules.
      I did have some 1:72 planes once but they never got assembled, I was going to use car aerials for stands, but the owners of the cars git a bit upset about this.

  6. Another marvellous batrep, written in your unique and witty style. I loved it. That was a real bummer about the camera taking a direct hit. Even so, I reckon you chaps deserve a hearty breakfast when you get back to base. The very thought of bacon sandwiches is making me hungry!

  7. Humm bacon and egg for me please, sounds ideal.

  8. Nearly missed this one, but thankfully took another look when I saw who had written it.
    Those rules are great fun. Tried them again at Gothcon, and was soundly beaten by the Daughter. Curses!
    But she really liked the game and had another go later.
    Great AAR. Better stop reading now, as your games seem to be contagious.
    I shall buy no more games! (yes, I know.. that will fail. Fast. Maybe not so many of them... (are you saying that will fail also...))

    1. Hi Joakim it is a game that anyone could enjoy, the basic rules are so simple and I think work so well, it's not very visual which is why I went for a story heavy report, it just brought back the Biggles books and I loved them when I was younger, well quite a lot younger. I've just taken 6 of the ww1 Biggles books of the shelf to read over again.
      My eldest grandson is 8 do you think he's too young for these rules?

    2. My youngest, the Daughter, is 14, so she's a bit older, but she liked the game last year, too.
      Anyway, I think 8 might be a bit young, but it is worth a try, and you should get them early! :-)

    3. He's a bit ham fisted so I might leave it a year or so, I don't want him breaking my expensive planes;)

    4. It could be worth it. See it as an investment

    5. Humm I'll think on. :-)

  9. Great AAR and storytelling, all we need to see now is the ground action in 28mm scale! ;O)

    1. Hi Eduardo thanks, this was just a bit of a diversion, to see if I liked it and it was great fun, the solo rules work well, your idea of downed pilots having to make it back through the lines may make a good plot line.

  10. Looking forward to see it! :O)

    1. Just started reading Biggles learns to fly chapter 6 he is shot down just of the coast and has to cross the lines by swimming around them.
      I'm only reading this as research you understand - not because I've reverted back to my childhood. :)

    2. Perfect research material for a series of historically-accurate games! :O)

      Imagine his surprise when, escaping down the hills through a tropical jungle, Biggles reaches an abandoned MEDIEVAL CASTLE by the shore...


      And this historical place is not far from our beachfront bungalow, so you and Mrs. V can see it when you come to visit us! :O)

    3. He did get around a lot once the war finished, although it was the books related to Biggles the fighter pilot that I enjoyed the most.
      Your beach front bungalow sounds idyllic especially after our long and very dreary winter.

  11. But we also have snow in the hills in the winter! :O)



    So you can practice snowboard in the winter and sandboard in the summer! ;O)


    1. Eduardo I expected Brazil to be more jungle than snow capped hills. Which city is the one in the 1st photo, those hills look pretty grand in the background. The boarding, snow or sand I don't find so interesting but the mountains look good and the 2nd photo also.

    2. Vagabond, the first picture is of the island-city where we live; the highest peak in the picture has a 1043m altitude and is in the continent a couple of kms away:


      The second picture is of the altitude fields (900-1800m) where we have a small cabin and hunt wild boar ;O) It's about 170km from our place. It's very cold in the winter (it can reach -8 Celsius during the nights, with a whooping record of -18 in 1996) but the landscape is full of gorgeous waterfalls, dense araucaria woods and sheer canyons:



      You and Mrs. V are most welcome to stay with us! :O)

    3. That looks a pretty impressive place you live in, totally the opposite to where I live. It's a small village, population 1,800 the nearest large city is 20 miles away, it's very quiet rural, pretty, and not very exciting. I like it here a lot.

      That's a very nice offer you made, cheers.

    4. The island is fairy large, and most of the population lives in small neighborhoods and communities scattered among extensions of rural countryside and natural landscape full of wildlife. A mean LOTS of wildlife! See for exemple this caiman colony in the stream that passes right in front of one of the city's biggest malls:



      And here a caiman leaves the mangrove and crosses the street in a neighborhood in the North of the island: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IKpza0mN5js/Wl1R8y-8xuI/AAAAAAAAWv8/OAZ45ounMzYr-xXUjpnoBspYE98LZ0oewCLcBGAs/s640/Jacar%25C3%25A9_em_Jurer%25C3%25AA.jpg

      A coati enjoying the beach: https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/07/30/0e/55/ilha-do-campeche.jpg

      Feral goats in the rocks that separates some of the more than 40 beaches: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yd9bTUl-ff0/UQCVbW1FuGI/AAAAAAAAmLU/Kmnwelkndto/s1600/39+Cabras+Selvagens.jpg

      No, hunting is not allowed here. And no, nobody respects that! :O)

  12. Not an airplane John but I think this might interest you, I'll see your studio go belly up yet mate :)

    1. Thanks Frank, that looks ok but I don't think I like it enough to spend money on it, I'm on the second mortgage with the planes I've bought recently.
      On top of that I've found some in the states that are almost half the price of the ones in the UK, so I'm thinking of going into the import business;)

  13. If we're all bombarding John with stuff he should buy...Then how about this? :P


    Great Escape Games do a miniature that would work for the dismounted male.


    and a miniature suitable for the female occupant should be easy to come by.

    Perfect for a baddie character; his entourage/bodyguards riding horses while he rolls into town in a carriage. [yep, I've got these myself for my own games]

    1. Cheers Roy, that redoubt one does look the business and with two figures as well. I couldn't decide if the horse came with it, if so is a good deal. However I'm not paying £4:00 for your Reverend, you're obviously on a bigger budget than I am. :)

    2. Yes, the horse comes with the Redoubt kit. Tbh, I don't actually own the Reverend figure (haven't got around to it - possibly wont), it comes with a rules card for Dead Man's Hand is why it'll cost at least a £1 more than it could.

    3. I've just received some Black Scorpion figures and one of the packs has the Preacher, arm outstretched with the cross and a double barrelled shotgun in the other, you will know the one I mean.
      How do you think this buggy is scale wise with Black Scorpion?

    4. I'm afraid you've found a chink in my armour, here. Black Scorpion isn't a company that I'm too familiar with, I've only ever had a couple of their fantasy figures and am not familiar with their other ranges.
      To be honest, my Redoubt buggy is still unmade - and somewhere, hidden, in the attic room lead piles - so I can't even offer to take a measurement for you. Sorry about that.

    5. No problem, although I'm impressed you have an attic room full of lead!

    6. Lead. Resin. Plastic. Hundreds of empty cardboard boxes in various sizes. Rolls of bubble wrap. Grip-seal and jiffy bags. blister packs. Tools. Paints. Glues. Balsa. Basing material. Rules. Terrain. All manner of hobby and trader related clutter. In truth, it is so chaotic up there at the moment there's no room to move let alone work - I'm having to use a downstairs desk top to paint upon.

    7. It sounds like most people's hobby rooms, too cluttered to use for the hobby is designed for. :(

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Wizzo, I'm putting PO Vagabond up for a DFC, what! That's the stuff to give the Hun. I do like the scenery in the first photo, I've been considering that myself after buying the Drachen. The quandry is the Drachen is 1/144 but do I want scenery at that scale i.e. planes flying very low to the ground, or a smaller scale of scenery which shows the planes flying much higher? No idea really!

    1. What Ho Spiffy, I was very inspired by your game report and really enjoying the games, probably done 10 so far.
      The scenery I used is 1/300 but to get a sense of scale for the picture I had 8 stands for each plane for the shot. I quickly realised that the terrain got in the way far too much, so the way I did it is a none starter in my opinion.
      However if you look at the links below, this is what the Wings of War Aerodrome did at Hammerhead this year. So they have a small area of buildings but most of the board is flat.

      The other thing you could look for is the York show WWII game table by the Aerodrome guys is 3D, but fairly low so the plane stands are reasonably level. It looks brilliant in the flesh but I don't have a link.


