
A Warm Welcome to my Blog

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Rufina Grey Eye and the Grimoire of Life

Rufina Grey Eye has been sent by her Mistress Thanda the Grim to procure the Grimoire of Life, procure is rather a loose term that basically means steal.
After the last adventure that Rufina had been sent on, she has a lot to prove, although everyone else involved with the charade had basically stuck to the party line and so it was seen as a successful venture by their boss – Thanda. That was a good outcome for all concerned, Thanda’s wrath knew no bounds, see https://vagabondswargamingblog.blogspot.com/2018/12/grook-and-princess.html
She was so pleased with Rufina that she had let her pick her own team to escort her this time, strangely no one from the first mission wanted to go and so she is out with an untried group of adventurers.
They were all introduced a couple of posts earlier than their first, or was it last adventure..
There are a few fighters, a few thieves and only one archer to try and keep Rufina alive, they knew this was their main reason for being chosen. Indeed rumours had spread following Rufina’s first solo outing without Thanda’s guiding hand, well the guiding hand was more of a smack behind the ear if Rufina made a mistake, which strangely enough was quite often.
Sandra the Dancer has been sent on in advance of the main party to scout out the lay of the land.
Up ahead is a small log cabin, this is where they are told the Grimoire is hidden. She can see a few beehives off to her left, a laden donkey and a table with a large wooden chest on it outside the cabin and obviously a dunny to the right.
Further right is what appears to be a pig sty tended by a grubby peasant.
In the wooden compound is another peasant drinking from a bowl and stroking a small scruffy dog.
The obligatory drone view of the whole scene.
Sandra makes her way back to the rest of the party and tells them what she has seen. When questioned she agrees that there is no sign of anyone who might be the current custodian of the Grimoire of Life, maybe in the cabin is all she can say.
A plan of action is devised by Rufina and for once I agree with the plan. Helgi and Sandra will make their way through the woods and round to the back of the cabin. Rufina and the rest of the team will approach openly from the front and try and create a sufficient diversion to enable the other two to enter the cabin unseen find and escape with the Grimoire.
Sounds pretty good to me.
Helgi and Sandra have a long way to go so I decided on 1D6 +6 turns and then each turn roll 2D6 and
on a 7 they will arrive.
Rufina will decide when to start her approach to the cabin, too soon and she will have a long time trying to convince the occupants she is harmless, too late and Helgi and Sandra will almost certainly be discovered.
Ruffina decided on allowing 7 turns to pass before setting off.
Turn 8 and the group are hailed by Gormy Gilbert over by the pig sty. “Oi wat you want” Rufina gives him the weary traveller routine, just want some food and drink, maybe a bed, only one night, well maybe two, it’s been a long journey and we have a long way to go. Yes I know that you know the routine, so does Gilbert. However he gets an ambivalent dice roll on his brains test and doesn’t tell them to piss off, as most of us would.
The chap drinking and watching the food slowly cook also has an ambivalent brains test and so continues to watch the pot boil.
Rufina is thinking that her training as an Elimentalist has it’s downside, she could sent a lightning bolt into the cabin and burn it down, well she could on a very good day, but she is not trained in the finer skills of persuasion and so can’t get the oaf guarding the pigsty to invite her into the cabin for food and a rest. She doesn’t have the spells to achieve that and so falls back on her womanly guile, smiles sweetly and rolls against her charisma score versus Gormy’s Brains – nope that didn’t work either. It turns out he’s not as gormy as he might at first appear.
Helgi fails to arrive.
A demure young woman comes out of the cabin and says “mind the donkey, he bites” Ayesha raises her fist and whispers “ you bite me and it’s the last thing you’ll do”.
Rufina realises there is something not quite right about the appearance of the young woman, but can’t quite put her finger on it. There seems to be a slight shimmering, a slight aurora , but it could just be the heat. Basically a poor awareness check.
A good shot of Gormy Gilbert Grant.
A close up of the pretty girl and the drinking peasant as she tells them that her master will be home soon and he doesn’t like strangers, so they had better move on. Rufina tries her Charisma on the pretty girl but it has no effect at all.
On turn 11 Helgi and Sandra arrive, thank God for that, neither the pretty girl nor the drinking peasant are aware of their arrival and indeed you need to look very closely to see them. They are behind the clump of foliage centre left and at the far back of the scene.
They both make their stealth rolls and make it to the back of the cabin by the window. Well window is a bit of a misnomer it’s just a hole in the log wall, easy to climb through, and that’s when I thought about the wind and the dog, so a quick check on wind direction proves it is blowing towards them which is why the dog didn’t pick up their scent.
Peering through the window Helgi can see a small barrel on top of a large chest.
With the best possible stealth roll Helgi climbs through the window (hole in the wall) and examines the barrel. She sees a thin twine going from the barrel to a bell high up on the wall, well above her head and so she cuts the line.
Rufina outside is still engaging the pretty girl in conversation and continuing t feel that slight feeling of disquiet.
Helgi picks up the small barrel and passes it to Sandra who throws a 5 and 6, high is bad and she drops it.
Everyone rolls to see who reacts first to the loud crunching sound as the barrel hits the floor. The numbers indicate who reacts first. High is good except in Rufina's case when 10 means 0 and she froze.
Out of sight behind the cabin Sandra reacts like a striking scorpion and is the first to activate.
I give her a number of choices :-
Charge round the wall and attack the nearest person = roll 1
Grab the barrel and run = roll 2
Grab the barrel and tell Helgi to open the chest = roll 3,4
Grab the Barrel and tell Helgi to get out = roll 5
Climb into the room and open the chest = roll 6
She rolled 4 so shouts to Helgi “Open the chest and get the Grimoire.”
The Pretty Girl and Ayesha react next.
The Pretty girl transforms into the Red Woman a terrifying sight and Ayesha faints - WHAT!!!!!
It takes 4 turns before she wakes.
I'm using a set of Horror Cards I developed (stole most) for my Gothic Horror games.
Gormy Gilbert emerges from the pigsty as a Jinn and he moves towards the group, Ashara is horrified but her resolve is undiminished, indeed it is strengthened by the fear, she is determined not to let her companions down.
Patricia sees Ashara hesitate and runs at the Jinn to protect her friend.
The small farm dog transforms into a ravening slavering beast and jumping the log wall, attacks Rufina who has failed to react to any of this and she barely has time to pull out her sacrificial knife, her only defensive weapon apart from her magic which seems to have departed from her, hopefully temporarily.
Helgi inside the cabin tries to open the chest – it’s not locked, she pauses a second, and sees the trap – a blind funnel web spider, poisonous as hell but she squashes it with a well aimed blow and opens the chest.
Is the Grimoire in the chest – NO.
The peasant quietly drinking from his bowl jumps to his feet and turns into Alum Spellbinder, he raises his arm and muttering an incantation of power and throws a – nothing, no flash blue light, no explosive sound, but a skeletal hand reaches out from the chest and takes hold of Helgi’s right hand – tightly. Instead of panicking she has an aura of calm around her.
The donkey though is panicked and pulling hard on it’s halter breaks the tie and does a runner as fast as it’s little legs will carry it.
Patricia beats the Jinn to the ground and it fails to rise.
Rufina sticks her sacrificial knife a long way into the maddened dog and it falls to the floor whimpering.
Sandra runs around the compound intent on attacking Spellbinder but as she comes round the side of the cabin she sees the horrifying sight of the Red Woman, she attacks in a suicidal rage but the Red Woman is unaware of the attack until too late.
She is a Demon from the dark recesses of the world, and is used to defeating her enemies with fear and guile, she is not used to being attacked from behind by a sword wielding Amazon and she disappears into the void.
Spellbinder casts a singularly appropriate spell to defend himself and also give him a bit more time to summon allies, the spell takes some effort but is successful and a transparent wall appears around him. Rufina but has finally got her act together and puts a small Imp behind the wall, Spellbinder seems unaware of this.
Because he casts another spell that almost destroys him, a construct and a large one at that, This could change to dynamics of the conflict.
It leaps the wall and advances towards the remaining members of the party. They all prepare to meet their doom.
As over in the background Spellbinder turns on the small Imp and blast’s it back to Hades and beyond.
He can’t keep the wall spell going and as he is destroying the Imp the wall dissapears.
As does his construct when faced by 3 determined women warriors. However it was Rufina who created such a powerful spell that she alone was responsible for its demise.
Ayesha finally wakes from her faint, a thing she will deny to her dying day.
Just in time to see Pat of Selby attack spellbinder but he is too strong and she must retire but he can't summon enough energy to cast another spell.
He fails to summon any more help and three of the band return to the attack.
He is only a man after all, and falls beneath their swords. The Grimoire is finally discovered in the chest on the table in plain sight of any that cared to look diligently.
I’m not sure how the party will spin this to Thanda but I suppose it is more of a success that a failure, so maybe they will not need to face the wrath of the mightiest wizard the world has seen. Of course that’s her view of herself and no one in their right mind is going to argue.
Final overview of the table, - a small action, but plenty of it.
Well a quick write up of a game I played yesterday, I've been enthused reading a couple of games Greg the Wargame Addict has written as a co-conspirator and joint venture on another blog vaguly related to adventuring in a wizarding world, so I dug Rufina out of the drawer where she has been doing whatever little lead women do in the dark!! 
I'm off on my travels again today so the usual excuses about internet etc, but it's not been too bad so far, see how I go.
I've had two new chaps click on the follow button recently, the first for a long time - so welcome to you and please feel free to let me know you have read some of this drivel, even if you think it is drivel, just be polite. :)
Take care out there.


  1. A great adventure John, the scenery is your usual high standard, the action was great and did enjoy seeing some classic monsters, I would say this adventure was a definite win, no deaths and retrieved the prize as well, but then I'm not Thanda who may see it completely different !

    1. Thanks Dave, since my house move and now having a bigger table I've tended to use the full size. With this I went back to my original 3ft sq size and I believe it works very well. You are right it was a win and a bit easier than I anticipated, the bad guys never really got into their stride. They never really had the space to develop the spell sets I had designed for them.

  2. Well that didn't turn out as expected (i should get used to this when reading your adventures).
    What an excellent 'action', a simple idea that had failure written all over it. but the unexpected twists and turns were excellent.
    Thoroughly enjoyable read, great scenery and I enjoyed the 'fluff' too which along with the ever-present humour rounded off an excellent read.

    1. You're very kind Joe, thanks. I had expected the range of protection I had on hand for the defence of the Grimoire would be sufficient to hold up and maybe defeat Rufina and her band, maybe next time.

  3. A great report to read while supping on a mug of tea and dunking ginger nuts.

    1. Excellent way to read any report, ginger nuts - yummy

  4. Well done, John, on yet another fabulous story, full of twists and turns, a great cast and splendid scenery. I was pleased to see Rufina complete her mission with her party all intact. There were a fair few moments when I thought the mission was going to go tits up but our plucky heroines pulled through.
    There is only criticism I have to make. In the last picture there is clearly a glass of red wine on your table. Personally, I never allow drinks on my table as there is always a risk of spilling it. It has happened in past and as a consequence I strictly enforce my no drinks on the table policy.

    1. I quite liked the fancy of the peasants turning into powerful fighters, I know it's not new but it amused me.
      A glass or two of red wine is a given at my table Bryan, sorry, there's only me and I don't spill any, that would be sacrilege ;)

  5. Love the classic AD&D line... wonderful minis you have there!

    1. Cheers Skully, most of the mini's are very old Games Workshop from when they were a wargaming and figure company rather than a money making machine.

  6. That Red Woman is terrifying. But I breathed an audible sigh of relief when Rufina and her gang pulled it off. Mission success - mostly hehe. I fell in love with Ayesha, she`s so cute. Love the character development, love the scenery, and absolutely love your miniatures. This is darn good stuff. I want to read any more of these please :-)

    1. Cheers Stephen I can't remember the name of the company who makes the Red Wonan but I have quite a few of their figures and they have a lot of character in the sculpting. These are my more recent painting efforts and I tried to do my best with them.

      Ayesha is a lovely sculpt a girl with attitude:)

      My output is pathetically poor this year, I'm hoping to improve that over the winter when I should have more time. We'll see how that plan progresses.

    2. Do it your way, enjoy it your way. Besides YOUR way paves a path others (like me) follow gladly.

  7. Another great little read and a pretty game. You really have an impressive knack for getting the most out of your table space. This board looks quite small but the photos give a strong impression of a wide open area. You include so many little details in your games but nothing ever feels crowded. I need to steal as many of your ideas as possible for my own set ups.

    1. Thanks Mr Mouse I'm really pleased that's how it appeared because that's exactly what I was aiming for. I recently finished the back of my back boards, so black one side and blue with light cloud on the other. Ive being playing more sails and wings of glory recently and so the blue is for them. The join between the ground and the board looks unrealistic and so I've tried to hide that with some new fir trees i bought to add height to the terrain and create some depth. They are all arround the edge and I kept the foreground and centre open or low pieces of terrain to make playing easier but to also lead into the scene.
      So i was aiming for a picture of a cabin in a clearing set in the north of whichever country it is.
      I doubt any of my terrain bits are my ideas, theyre all borrowed from more inventive guys, who probably borrowed them as well;)

  8. Brilliant report as always! Great terrain and minis, fun story with twists and turns and humor. Always a pleasure and an inspiration!

    1. Thanks Fitz I used the spells from Frostgrave but grafted them into ny gaming rules, so it was a bit of a work in progress but seemed ok. I want the sort of magic I can believe in, and the magic users not too poweful and as fragile as most humans so they don't take over the game play. I'm not a fan of Boss Characters
      So I expected the bad guys to do better but they sort of got mobbed which is good.

    2. Not a fan of Boss Characters either. I was massively drawn to the fact you make your `bosses` human, not super-charged like a Super Mario game.

  9. I'm a blast from your past. Way back my advice was,.."Do what you want with your gaming, make them as long or short as you like, because you can't please everyone." I have been out of the loop for a while, though still gaming but not online. I see you're still maintaining your high standard of production along with improved settings and lighting. :)

    1. Ahh Tikki I've missed you, I wondered if the mysterious man with the hat pulled down was you.
      Pleased to hear from you again, hope all is well, I think you were moving house the last time I heard from you, hope that went well.
      Take care

  10. You're just on a whole other level from the rest of us with your games John! Just brilliant 😃
    Mouse brings up a really great point and one I never even think about because you do such a great job with it, but he's absolutely right about your photos giving the game a much bigger scope than it is in reality. Is that being done 'old school' or with a phone camera?

    1. Cheers Ivor, although the first part isn't true, I'm probably just a better borrower of idea's, the camera work is through reading Franks blog, he uses photos to illustrate his story in a most inovative way. The best one in my opinion he set in an aeroplane with the passengers apparently seated, even though he used standing figures to achieve it.
      Ive become a bit of a tart to my blog becase in the past I would take a photo of the table, now I try and take a photo to assist in the story line knowing Im going to post it and someone hopefully is going to see it.
      All photos are with a point and shoot camera, hand held, which is why so many slightly out of focus ones.
      Yesterday I was looking fof a small bean bag to rest the camera on and try for better photos. I may have to make the bean bag :()
      Cheers mste

    2. John have a look at your camera you might be able to get a stand for it, but having said that it didn't fix the problem for me :( so I got an old smart phone from my daughter & tbh haven't looked back.

      As you know people upgrade their phones every so often these days so you might know somebody that'll give one & the cameras on some of them are top notch, so if you can give it a try & if it works out you can give me credit for it :)

    3. Frank I have a small tripod stand but since the house move I can't find it anywhere. It stands about 4 to 6" high and I tbink the bean bag would be lower and give a better perspective.
      Mrs V has a smart phone that takes excellent photos although Ive not tried it for games.

  11. Another cracking movie John :), were you using the Frostgrave rules for the game ? I think that was how you done the last one that stared Refina.

    Thanks for the credit even if its misplaced :) enjoy your trip .

    1. Hi Frank, I'm not altogether sure what I did the first time round, my notes are very reticent when it comes to how I handled the magic. This time I used my normal set of rules, took the Frostgrave spell types and melded the two systems to give a spell generation and success level.
      I'm hoping that the notes I made will mean I don't have to go through the whole process again next time I want magic in my game. The problem is I'm too lazy to write them down properly, it's usually easier to just make them up next time :)

      Regarding the photos Ive

    2. I've pressed the wrong button:) I was going to say I've not come across anyone else who has built a shoe box set to take photos in.

      Don't sell yourself short Frank, you are inovative in my book.

    3. I know only to well what you mean about writing things down John as its a problem I also suffer from :(

      Thank you very much, guess N&D is not doing to bad for a low budget studios :)

    4. What's this low budget stuff, I heard MGM and Sony were interested in investing in N and D studios, that would be a huge influx of cash.

    5. Yes indeed John approaches have been made but have been rebuffed, as they'd want to be using things like CGI & sound surround & that's not N&D's way, we're a studio's that make real movies for real people ;)

    6. Good on you Frank, poor but with integrity.

      Could be the new studio motto.

  12. Really sorry I'm late through the gate (again) John, I've got a note from my mam somewhere...

    I loved the write up, and it's fantastic to see Rufina and the gals back in action. The table set up is mighty impressive too - inspiring stuff all round!

    1. Hi Greg, don't be daft, it's good to hear from you, things seem to be busy at your end, especially with you ghost writing for another blog as well.

  13. If Greg thought he was late, then I guess I'm very, very late.
    Anyway, trying to get up to date with all reading, and your AAR:s are first priority. This didn't disappoint, another exciting game with great terrain and just as great characters.
    I really like your table set-up and background. I have to make something like that... someday.
    Finally, I have downloaded pics from tha latest game from the camera and is actually starting to write that AAR. I promise it will be finished soon(ish).
    Cheers mate!
    (extra points for the wine-glass!)

  14. Hi Joakim, it's great to hear from you too. Hopefully you will catch up on one of my later posts because you are in it, as a western hero, well maybe outlaw, but thats similar;)

    I've been wondering what the etiquette is for telling a chap to get on and write a report on a game because I want to read it. I was thinking about this only yesterday and decided I should give you a little more time before saying Oih wheres my story:)

    1. The other posts are ready to read, but I had to do something else first...
      Oih, your story is ready to read. You know where to find it!
