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Monday, 19 October 2020

For Vampifan – ATZ - Faith Hope and Charity just hit town.

For Vampifan – ATZ - Faith Hope and Charity just hit town.

Faith Hope and Charity just hit town. Looking like survivors from the lost and found.

A gold star and 5 house points if you can name the singer/guitarist whose song that quotes taken from.

Before you read any further I substituted Sophie Maclure for Hope who was dressed in a torn T shirt that didn’t cover very much, it looked like she’d been dragged through a hedge backwards, forwards and then upside down. That’s the trouble with these cheap T-shirts, they’re no good for a zombie apocalypse.

Or being dragged through a hedge.

These are the girls, and this is the Zombie Apocalypse and this is my homage to Bryan, or Vampifan as he’s known wherever Zombie games are being played. Bryan passed away earlier this year and left a big hole in the Bloggosphere for many of us, and I know that it’s Zomtober and some of the Bloggers are painting figures in honour of Bryan this year, something in the Zombie or Undead line.

I’ve never taken part in this painting fest but I thought I might do for this particular occasion and then I realized “I have a few zombie games I played early on when I returned to playing games with little lead men and women. Anyway they were written but only in a rough form and I never got round to finishing or posting them and so I’ve decided to post as many of these games as I can during the rest of October as my homage to Bryan.

I’ve reworked my original story a bit and re-photographed it to ensure it looks as good as I can make it in his memory. If you’re interested, my opening post relates to Bryan’s influence on this decision to return to War Gaming and the debt I owe him because of that.

They will not be sombre stories, that is unless your favourite character gets eaten by the zombies but will be written in the style that Bryan enjoyed, well at least that’s what he said on the many comments he made here in the past.

OK back to the game, this is the standard fare of a zombie game, the girls are looking for food and any other movable commodities they can lay their little hands on and will try and avoid contact with Zombies if at all possible.

They are quite average characters, above are their statistic cards. Sophie is the leader rep 4, Brains 4 Guts 5 shooting 5 and Hand to hand combat 4. Faith is rep 3, Brains 3 Guts 4 shooting 3 but H to H 5, Charity is rep 5, Brains 3, Guts 5, shooting 2 and H to H 2 and she is obviously the liability in the group, no brains but immensely brave, so is bound to attack the nearest target and then realize that she can’t shoot or fight.

I am using 2Hour Wargame rules the free download of Chain Reaction with various additional rules and some sections completely re-written. I have taken ideas from other peoples games, mainly Bryan’s early games with his character Vampifan and instead of using Rep to check everything against I have various attributes for intelligence, morale etc as you can see, I have used some terms that come from .45 Rules because they are short and fit into my cards better. I didn't buy ATZ until much later and even now only extracted a small amount from it to incorporate into my modified rules.

There are a number of things that I find too simplistic about the rules but in my opinion they give a fast, exciting game that is ideal for solo gaming, especially with zombies as opponents, because their reactions are so simple, “can I see humans, then I will attack them by the most direct route and eat them” simple.

The girls enter the area cautiously and start to move down the street.

There were 3 zombies or Zeds placed randomly on the board and I’m using 3 PEF’s (Possible Enemy Forces) These tokens move around the board according to various dictates and are only resolved once they come into sight. They could be a number of different things, gangsters, other survivors or more likely ZOMBIES!

A general overview of the board, the girls are in the top right hand corner hidden by the large building covered in graffiti. In the lower left hand corner of the board was 1 Zed, this triggered the 1st PEF which turned out to be 4 Zeds.

The PEF in the top left of the board is seen by the girls and resolved as nothing, but there are 2 zeds along the road and they see the girls and start shambling in their direction.

Meanwhile the big group of Zeds mill around, mumbling, admiring the chain link fencing, the poster on the wall of the pizza place, chatting as zombies will, about how they like their brains, the general consensus is raw and still warm.

Zombies will move towards sounds or sight of people but otherwise just mill about on the spot. Once they are activated by something that then disappears I tend to send them in a random direction and at a random speed.

These are the 2 zeds who can see the girls at the far end of the street they are shambling in their direction, mumbling and moaning as Zombies do.

Just a random close up photo as they approach the big truck.

Turn 2 the girls fast move to Guns R Us, Charity tries the door on the Range Rover, it is open but empty. They see the Zombies coming up the road and all open fire, which because they fast moved is not such a good idea.

Bullets spray all over the place and they knock down one zed but the noise generates 2 more, it also attract the group by the Pizza place who start to head towards the noise, not a good start.

The Zeds head off in the direction of the gunfire, still discussing sautéed brains, devilled brains but the favourite still seems to be raw and warm, they are also getting hungry with all this talk about food.

Turn 3 the girls fail to activate, that’s the trouble with rep 4 leaders, to activate the group needs to roll 4 or less on a D6 and I’m using Rep to represent initiative or speed of action. For activation Zombies are also Rep 4.

The zeds started to close on the girls. The last PEF is checked and turns out to be another false alarm.

On turn 4 the Zeds activate 1st and move closer, Faith and Hope both fire, hitting 1 Zed but attracting another, the door to Guns R Us is unlocked and they enter but the ground floor is empty, Charity can only get to the doorway and remains outside.

Turn 5 Sophie and Faith are in the building searching but the Zombies win the initiative again and charge forward, Charity as predicted passes her Guts test and she stands to receive the charging Zeds, firing twice as they shamble in towards her. Of course with shooting 2 she misses both shots.

And with Hand to Hand 2 she gets knocked to the floor by the Zeds and is the 1st of the girls to become Zombie Chow.

Turn 6 Faith and Sophie are stunned (fail to activate) Charity is only a small girl, but a 6 on the dice mean that she will make a 6 turn meal, good news for Faith and Hope if you take the pragmatic view. Drawn by the sounds and probably the smell of fresh blood more zeds start to move towards Guns R Us

Turn 7 The Zeds continue to munch on Charity, as the 2 remaining girls find the back door to Guns R Us is locked but shoot the lock, attracting 1 more zed to the party.

Turn 8 The Zeds must have a bone in the throat (fail to activate) and spend the turn discussing who gets the juicy parts of Charity. Sophie and Faith leave by the back door, and climb over the wall, fortunately the Zeds are so busy eating that they fail to notice them leaving.

Charity is providing a meal for quite a few of the grey faced zombies as the 2 girls continue to make their getaway.
Turn 9 Faith and Sophie hide behind the corrugated iron shed. More zombies converge on the feast.

Turn 10 to 13 F and H either don’t activate or when they do they remain in hiding, Zombies finally consume Charity.

Turn 14 – the Zombies finish supper and move in a random direction, this happens to be along the road and who is there hiding behind the tin shed, yes you can see them and so can the zombies.

I’m not sure why you can still see Charity she should be just a pile of bones. Zombies don’t eat bones do they? I need to have a word with the Continuity Dept.
Oh that’s me!

Just to give an overview of where everyone is and their place in the area, indeed at this point there is just 1 milling group of Survivors (for now) and Zombies.

The Zeds charge, and Faith and Hope have a poor dice roll and so don’t run away but don’t fire either, they are flanked by the Tin shed and the wall so it’s a bit like the Pass at Thermopylae, Faith kills the Zed she is fighting but there is enough room for 2 Zeds to fight Hope, she kills 1 of them but falls to the other. Oh dear 10 zeds 1 Faith.

Turn 15 Faith passes her leader down guts test and then shoots the zombie who had taken down Sophie killing it before it can start to eat her, OK looking a bit better.

Turn 16 Faith looks at all the Zombies and thinks - ‘s**t’, all the zombies look at Sophie and think ‘FOOD’ (both are inactive).

Turn 17 Faith takes a deliberate aim and opens fire on zombies, ‘click, click’ she is out of ammo Zeds start to chew on Sophie.

Turn 18 Zombies finish their Sophie snack while Faith stares aghast at what is happening in front of her. (She is inactive and still out of ammo)

Turn 19 The zombies finished feasting on Sophie but Faith kept failing to activate, must be due to the horror of seeing your friend being eaten in front of you. The fighting starts again and Faith has killed 2 Zeds but now she is surrounded.

Turn 20 Remember Thermopylae, it was good while the Persians were in front of the Greeks but distinctly worrying when they were behind them.

Turn 21 to Turn 24 I was going to try and explain the action but it’s complicated and Faith is doing amazingly well with some stonkingly good dice rolls, I’m not sure how long that can last but she is down to the last 3 zeds.

In the actual game she was flanked tightly by the walls and so only 2 zeds were able to fight her each turn, one in front and one in the rear. As she’s a good fighter and as I interpreted Bryans games wrongly the zeds are very poor fighters so she fared better than if she had been more in the open as these pictures suggest.

Blimey she kills all 3 of them.

This is the situation at the end of turn 24, lots of dead zeds and what should be the bones of Sophie.

Turn 25 The last woman standing loads her gun, and picks up Sophies 2 guns and holsters and prepares to leave the blood bath.

Turn 26 Faith moves towards the large corrugated building on our left. All the zombies are dead and so unless she starts to make noise she should be OK.

Turn 27 Faith is poised outside the building.

She enters the building and finds 1 zed, surprised she halts and thinks about the situation, failed to react. I forgot to mention the check to see if there was anything or anyone in a building.

Turn 28 The zed does not think about the situation he thinks FOOOOOD and attacks. Faith shouts “bring it on” and waits for the zed to get close enough for her to turn it into mince meat. After killing 10 zeds in single combat she is feeling very confident. She does kill the zed and then searches the building but finds nothing else.

Turn 29 to 31 She goes to the Deli, enters and finds nothing, the building has been looted and there is no food, looks like being a bad day.

Turn 32 She enters the fish and chip shop and finds Jane a low grade looter with a pistol, they both go for their guns, Faith gets there 1st and fires twice, but misses with the 1st shot and runs out of ammo on the 2nd shot.

Jane fails the being shot at test and surrenders, too confused to realize that Faith is out of ammo, she failed both Brains and Guts tests.

Turn 33 Jane hands her gun over to Faith, there is nothing else in the dingy lock up food shop.

Turn 34 Faith leaves Jane in the chip shop and moves on to the next building in the town, muttering under her breath about bad luck and zombies and being hungry.

Turn 35 Pay dirt, well not really, she finds enough food for 1 meal and eats it there and then, this has been a total failure so far.

Turn 36 She decides to go back and enlist the aid of Jane Delmont the looter because Faith is going to need help if she is to survive the holocaust, and some gun or zombie fodder in the shape of Jane will help her achieve that.


The game started off badly when Charity was killed and eaten early on, she was never going to be too much help against any strong opponent but the zombie just chewed her up so easily. When Hope went down and Faith was left surrounded by 10 zombies I thought this was going to be a very short game but then with some amazing dice throwing she survived and moved on and the game lasted twice as long as I expected, it was a bit of an anticlimax after the blood bath with the zombies but recruiting Jane means that she has some chance next time around.

This game was played nearly 8 years ago and the salient text was written around then and re-reading and re-writing it now I’ve noticed how influenced I was by the style of writing of Whiteface the other Blogger who got me back into gaming. I retook the photos for this write up because my previous table was pretty sparse, and just for interest this is what it looked like back then.

The figures are still the same but the scenery has come on a bit.

The mysterious Hope with the torn T shirt.

This was the actual situation in the fight, Hope/Sophie was in front of Faith and 2 zeds could get to her. Faith was further back and so only 1 could get at her initially.

Until this happened.

I’ve not played games like this for a few years but re-writing this has reminded me how much I enjoyed them.

Well if you are still here I’ll propose a toast, - To Bryan and Zombie Gamers everywhere.

Cheers and all the best.


  1. Great battle report John, can imagine this report bringing a smile to Bryan, and also proves the zombie survival guide, you don't have to be the fastest, just faster than someone else !

    1. Thanks Dave, I guess it's the same as the old bear joke as well.

  2. Great batrep, miniatures, terrain and photos. I am sure Vampifan would have loved this.

    1. Thanks Skully it was a trip down memory lane.

  3. A fine tribute John, the only thing that would have disappointed Bryan was the fact that all of the girls didn't end up as dinner :)

    1. Cheers Frank, I'm sure you're right about that.

  4. What a great bat rep. I'd like a gaming table that is so detailed.

    1. Thanks Phil, I always enjoyed seeing Bryans WW buildings, there is something so appealing to my eyes about printed paper scenery, I know it's not to everyones taste but I like it.

  5. Brilliant tribute to Vampifan/Bryan! I always enjoyed his reports, and even though I'm not a horror/zombie fan, I think this would have tickled him.

    1. Thanks Fitz, I've still not watched a Zombie film but they do make good wargaming opponents, maybe a bit too simplistic for my tastes now but they were a great way to get into this style of gaming when I started playing again.

  6. Great stuff John! Some brilliant photos and a great tribute to Bryan 🙂

    1. Thanks Ivor, these were taken on the table in the old house, it was so dark I had 4 table lamps clamped to the table and I did get some good shots because of that.

  7. Great nostalgic game/remake. It is very reminiscent of all the zed games I rmemebr from when Whiteface and many others were writing about their zombie games.
    It was very interesting too, to see how much your terrain has developed over the years.
    Thoroughly enjoyable read and yuor reaisation that you'd ether missed a rule or got something wrong was present in just about everyone's games (including Bryan's).
    It took me a long time to convince Bryan to use varying skill factors (I had five and Bryan added 'Fitness' which I later adopted) and extending it to more than a dozen characteristics sreally does make this more than role-play 'lite'.

    1. Cheers Joe, I guess I missed out on what could be termed the golden age of zombie games by a couple of years. I remember one chap who wrote some very tense game reports but never posted a picture because he was using shoe boxes for buildings and unpainted figures but he was playing some enjoyable games.
      Because I made up all the Zombie rulesto fit into Chain Reaction mainly from reading Bryans game reports I mistakenly gave Zombies a fight stat of 1, as my characters were all 2 to 5, random roll on an average dice it meant my HtoH fights were heavily weighted to my Survivors and it would usually take 3 zeds to be able to defeat 1 survivor, once I bought ATZ I realized my mistake but I still kept the stat at 1.

  8. Great stuff John, Bryan would have loved that (though he would probably have preferred the torn T-shirt version of Hope tbh!) Wonderful looking table too, very atmospheric. I'll pop in a link to this page at the bottom of my next post if that's OK with you.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thanks Roger and I know you're right about the T shirt:).

      By all means pop a link, on your next post. I'm hoping to post at least a couple more games before the end of the month, can I link to the painting thread and if so where is it?

    2. Hi John, though this isn't a complete list (one person hasn't posted his yet) there is a list of the submissions so far at the bottom of my latest post....


      Sorry but for some reason I don't understand you post above doesn't come up as a link.

      Cheers Roger.

    3. Thanks Roger, no problem about the link, and I'll get over there asap. I was hoping to post a couple more games before month end but time is not on my side.

  9. I can't imagine just how long this post took to assemble, but its certainly a worthy tribute to Vampifan and his love of such epic zed battles. Marvellous stuff Vagabond :-)

    1. Blax thanks for popping by, I was gutted when I read Bryans news, I'd sent him a couple of mails with no reply and so knew something was wrong. It's odd how people we never meet can have a large impact on our lives.

  10. Another great game! Some lovely photos in there and an entertaining narrative! Glad one of them made it, at least!

    1. Yes these zombie games can be brutal, or sometimes easy although brutal is more normal. They seem to start off slow and then gradually slip away from you and the best decision is to run. ;)

  11. A nice game for a spectator, but not so nice to be in as a character, I guess.
    A good tribute

    1. Cheers Joakim, good to hear from you, hope things are well.
