After the incident with Captain Andy Donovan and a shared near death experience, Katie Monk has decided, enough is enough, sod the Government, sod the Global News and sod the consequences, she’s going back to the Mojave where it all began 5 years ago, and he’s going to Canada, following up a new lead.
You might wonder what began 5 years ago, well it's a bit complicated because I'm trying to tie together some games I played 5 years ago with this current story line and my head is starting to hurt, anyway this was the background to the previous episode, it may help or probably not.
Sorry to ramble a little but I’ve found some nice Shiraz, Mrs V doesn’t drink midweek, and as I believe wine goes off within 6 hours of the cork being drawn I’m having to dispose of it as quickly as possible.
The game will be played out over the internet with my friend from Devon, The Mad Lord Snapcase, he will be in his bunker below Snapcase Hall and we'll use his terrain and figures.
Katie is making the trip back to the Mojave Dessert and has hired some of her old bodyguards. Some of these have appeared in the story so far and some have not, but if you have the attention span of a goldfish, as I have, it won’t matter who is whom.
The Girls.
Katie Monk has changed out of her business suit and is impersonating Laura Croft, fit and hard, she’s the one on the left, Angie centre and Ulrika right you’ve already met in the rescue of Alice. These are all the Mad Lords figures and it’s interesting how similar our painting is of the figures. Well similar in colouring in, his are more of an artists standard where as mine are more of your average 10 year old.
The Boys
On the left we have Big Willie Snapcase who is the brother of Fat Willie, Fat Willie couldn’t make it to the Mojave because he gets a nose bleed flying and there wasn’t enough time to drive. Big Willie had an exciting experience down a mine one time when he was 16 and his dark brown hair turned white. He doesn’t talk about it much but if you buy Fat Willie a few beers he might let you in on the secret. Of course it might cost you quite a few beers because the brothers are close, but what else are you going to spend your money on.
Tugger Doug in the centre has crisscrossed America driving a big eighteen wheeler but the real reason he's called Tugger, is because a Tugger is someone who pulls a van, in his case a 30’ Airstream the iconic aluminium caravan and probably not what you were thinking.
Tank on the right doesn’t suffer from nose bleeds and so flies to joins the expedition carrying Rosie.
Rosie in case you were wondering is the whopping big gun he takes everywhere. He doesn’t need a concealed licence to carry Rosie because he would be hard put to conceal her, unless she was in Tuggers Airstream.
This is their destination, a disused facility in the Mojave that I had the privilege to play over back in 2018 when I visited Snapcase Hall for the second time and this story was conceived. I had to go back a second time to avoid the court case associated with the missing Snapcase silver, we managed to negotiate an equitable settlement.
I returned the silver and didn't mention Ms Spankhurst, and certainly not Spankhursts mother who was confined in one of the attic rooms and hadn't been outside in years. The least said about that the better.
The trip up the Mojave River had been uneventful except for sightings of some very strange sea creatures that shouldn’t really have been there but as the Marie Anne docked, Katie Monk’s thoughts went back 5 years, to the story that she would forever think of as “The Scoop”. It started like this.
Following this escapade in the desert when Katie and Liam saw things that should not have been possible they were able to escape the area with their lives but not much else. The story was written and posted on my Blog but US Homeland Security stepped in and it was "Taken Down"
That’s how things have been for 5 years, the only evidence available to the general public was Daisuke story also posted on my Blog. Again the Blog was hacked by US Intelligence Agencies shortly after the post and parts of the story and some of the pictures were redacted. Have a look for yourself if you need verification.
Anyway at one point they thought they wouldn’t make it out alive and so hid all the evidence they had collected in a tin box and left this on site. It’s this tin box that Katie will attempt to recover in the next instalment of The Yuma Proving Ground.
After their incursion the Government came down heavily on Joe Diamond and the Global Tribune, with nothing to back up the word of his Reporters there was no story. Security was tightened in the Mojave area and he didn’t authorise a further expedition.
In light of the recent events in the Yuma Proving Ground, the Globe’s owner, at the instigation of the State Governor has requested Diamond to resurrect the investigation into the Mojave Forbidden Zone to see if there’s any connection between the two. In addition to this there have been constant rumours of similar Governmental activity around the world, the most notable is in Canada, and Captain Andy Donovan has been despatched north to see if there’s any truth in it.